IYELA connects American speakers with English Learners

Practice Speaking

Learn American Culture

Make Friends

All Free

Many Students
cannot Afford Tutors
Helping Today. Helping Tommorow
IYELA is a student-led organization started in 2019 providing English learning opportunities to students in primarily developing countries. We hope to give students the knowledge of American culture in order to open up countless opportunities around the world for them at no cost at all for the student
We Teach English
We are student volunteers that provide this service to fellow students around the world. In many countries, English is taught as a foreign language. However, many students are not provided adequate teaching and cannot provide a tutor, especially one at the same age who will understand them. Thus, we give them the opportunity to learn English from someone at a similar age while also making a friend.
All of Our Tutors Are All Vetted
All of our volunteers are high school students we personally trained and all have the same vision of helping others.

Why We Need You
Give back to the community
Giving back to the community will help brighten your mood. Not everybody are as fortunate as us in the US. Helping our peers, fellow citizens of the work is a great satisfaction.
Make new friends
We live in a much smaller world than before. In this global era, you can literally make friends from anywhere in the world and learn about different cultures.